On Wednesday, the Austrian Health Ministry announced its new recommendation on the official segregation of people infected with Corona. Here, the shortening of the isolation period announced by health Minister Rauch will take place – but not, as expected, only for individual professions (for example, in the health sector), but in general. According to the corresponding recommendation of the Ministry of Health, isolation will in the future be terminated from the fifth day after infection. The prerequisite is at least 48 hours of freedom from symptoms.
However, a “traffic restriction” applies for another five days: affected persons must wear an FFP2 mask when coming into contact with other persons within the private living area (as was already the case for those who tested positive). Significant events (sporting events, concerts, etc.) must also be avoided and “vulnerable settings” and restaurants. It is also forbidden to enter facilities where a mask cannot be worn at all times (e.g., fitness clubs and restaurants). If the places mentioned are the place of work, they can still be visited – provided that an FFP2 mask is worn at all times.
However, free testing is also possible from the five days of “traffic restriction”: this requires a negative PCR test or a positive test with a Ct value greater than or equal to 30.
The shortened segregation of Corona sufferers is not beiiasm in all federal provinces. Carinthia will handle i as Minister of Healtht “extremely restrictively – only in absolute exceptional cases and with the highest safety precautions,“ explained Deputy Provincial Governor Beate Prettner. She sees the possibility of symptomless infected persons being able to work in health professions “very critically.“ However, Prettner is “relieved” that the government has realized that the mask requirement was canceled too early. Vienna’s health councilor Peter Hacker had already declared at the weekend that it was “definitely out of the question” to allow infected employees to return to work. He referred to liability issues if, for example, a hospital employee were to infect patients: “This starts with the question of the employer’s liability.
- source: APA/picture: pixabay.com
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